Episode 2 Notes:



The glorious “Limon Pepino” Gatorade!



o    A small bowl of cereal, or oatmeal, with milk and a banana

o    1 bagel spread with cottage spread

o    1/2 cup of nuts and dried fruit

o    Wholegrain crackers with cheese and tomato

o    Fresh fruits, such as an orange, banana, apple, pear, plum

o    Vegetable, or chicken noodle soup

o    3/4 cup of yogurt with a handful of berries

o    1 wholegrain English muffin, or toast, with peanut butter/honey/cheese

o    Half a sandwich, with wholegrain bread, salad, and lean meat

o    A smoothie made with milk, and fresh, frozen or canned fruit

o    3 fig cookies

o    Low fat granola bar

o    Glass of milk, or pure fruit/vegetable juice

o    Raw vegetables with hummus

o    1 hard boiled egg